A Metric Half-Century and An Obsession With Broadway

A month ago, I tried to tackle a metric half-century (50k) but I miscalculated the imperial distance needed and I actually went 49K which is close but not enough. So today was the day for redemption. The temperature was pretty pleasant and the wind was 5-10mph coming out of the North so I’d only haveContinue reading “A Metric Half-Century and An Obsession With Broadway”

So You Wanna Be An Author?

Note: While I have some down time in terms of training (e.g. on rest days or days when I have nothing cool or notable to report, I will be writing these snippets into my life as a writer. They have nothing to do with my training but I think they’ll give some insight into whoContinue reading “So You Wanna Be An Author?”

Reunited! (And it feels so good)

I got my bike back! Hallelujah. I feel complete again AND I finally get to listen to more of The Dresden Files. Alright … slight confession … I did cheat a little and I re-listened to older books in the series while I was walking and running because I’m trying to get my friends toContinue reading “Reunited! (And it feels so good)”

My Attention Has Been On Other Things

I’ve been quiet this week for many reasons. One of those reasons is that I’ve taken some time away from social media and the internet to do some soul searching and privilege-checking in response to George Floyd’s murder and the systematic racism, abuse, and violence that people of color have suffered in the United States.Continue reading “My Attention Has Been On Other Things”