Doubt Comes In (But I Beat It)

I accomplished another biking milestone! I completed my first Imperial half-century (50miles) on the Hardwood Creek/Sunrise Prairie Rail Trail. I started in Hugo, MN and turned around in North Branch, MN which is the half-way marker and the natural end of these rail trails. I initially planned to do this feat today (Tuesday) because theContinue reading “Doubt Comes In (But I Beat It)”

Virtual Cross Country Expedition Pt. 1 (The First 700 miles)

On yesterday’s ride, I crossed the threshold for 700 miles biked in 2020. When I first set the goal of biking “cross country” in a metaphorical/virtual sense, I arbitrarily chose a number I thought was reasonable. At its core, the intent of this goal was to simulate the distance I’d bike if I were toContinue reading “Virtual Cross Country Expedition Pt. 1 (The First 700 miles)”

Let’s Talk About Rail Trails

If you’re like me, the term “rail trail” may sound self-explanatory and also highly obscure at the same time. When I first heard the term, I had no idea that the trail I had been using for the past year and a half is just that…a rail trail. So what is a rail trail? SimplyContinue reading “Let’s Talk About Rail Trails”